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Texas History Series


Within this webpage, you'll find interesting information and photos of the Stranger/North Blue Ridge area. You'll also find links to local points of interest, local news, information about local businesses, school and non-profit organizations, and generally what's happening in the North Blue Ridge/Stranger area.

If you'd like to add information, photos, or interesting antidotes about early-day or modern day Stranger, send me an email (

or write me:

Len Kubiak
PO Box 1479
Cedar Park, Texas 78630.


Received the following email from William E. (Buddy) Keeling:

April 12, 2010

My name is William Ernest Keeling. I was born in Marlin, TX on June 23, 1937. My mother was a Kyser and her father was William Ernest Kyser (Mr. Bud), for whom I was named.

His sister Mattie Kyser wrote a piece of history which was included in your history section on Stranger, TX. I would like to inform you that she misspelled her maiden name as �Keyser� which also appears in the spelling of her father�s name, W. D. Kyser.

For confirmation you can check the gravesites in Calvary Cemetery , Marlin, TX. I have also done considerable family tree research including trips to Pineapple, AL where W. D. Kyser and several of his children were born including my Grandfather, William Ernest Kyser. I have located W. D. Kysers parents gravesites in the Beard Cemetery , south of Pineapple. All surnames were spelled �Kyser.�

William E. (Buddy) Keeling

Received the following cute story about Stranger and Odds Texas:

"Barbara Bartlett" (
Subject: Stranger Tales
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2008

I stumbled across your website and the information regarding the history of Falls County--particularly the communities of Reagan and Stranger. I was born in Marlin, and raised in the little community of Odds--just across the county line in Limestone County. And, if you are a native of Falls County, you probably realize that there are a bunch of Erskines there. (Yes, I'm probably related to all of them, but my dad has been dead for many years and I've had no contact with that side of the family, so I can't tell you much about the family connections).

HOWEVER, there is one true story that I will tell you, and I hope you get a grin out of it. I first heard this from my dad when I was a kid, and later repeated it to someone who inquired about that Erskine background. "I'm one of the Odds Erskines, but there are Stranger Erskines." See? If you know the background, that is both true and funny. However, my husband...who is NOT from around here......looked at me with stunned disbelief. It took a while for me to explain it all to him!

Barbara Bartlett You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in.
~ Arlo Guthrie

Received the following informative email from Charles Hastings, a descendant of Elder and Fairbairn families of early-day Stranger.

Dear Mr. Kubiak:

My sister made me aware of your website and the Stranger link. This is a note to say thank you for the joy of looking through the history and some of the family names in the cemetery list.

Andrew Jackson Fairbairn was my great-grandfather. My grandmother was Fannie Fairbairn (married E. V. Elder). She was a sister to Grady Fairbairn. Bill Fairbairn still lives in the family home in the Stranger community/along with living in Marlin.

The daughter of Lee Elder, Hildred Elder, married Durward Houston a long time Marlin family.

Thomas Jefferson Elder and Nancy Vinson Elder were great-grandparents. A great-aunt was Bettie Elder Swinnea.

I have heard my mother, deceased in 2001 at age 92, talk many times of the families mentioned, especially the Garrett family.

We also have many family members buried in the Kosse Cemetery. My thanks for all the good memories.
Charles Hastings
Lubbock, TX

Received the following email from "Billy Terrell"

Dear Mr. Kubiak,
My name is Billy Terrell and my wife Valeri and I own the house in Stranger built in 1898 by Wm McKinney and his wife Lida Barclay McKinney. We have restored it and are trying to fnd out more information on it. My good friend, Joydell Garret Wolfram and her sister Marion, told me a great deal about the house and Stranger prior to their deaths, but there are still many gaps in the history of the place. Any information that you would be willing to share, in addition to that on the website, would be greatly appreciated.

At this time, Stranger has about 20 to 25 residents, and one business, my pipe shop. I've recently purchased a fire engine, so we now have a fire department as well! The town is growing again.

Thank You,

Billy Terrell

If you have additional information about the history of the McKinney home, please email Billy at:


North Blue Ridge, later called Stranger, is a small community just a few miles north west of present-day Kosse in Falls County.

The following interview with Mrs. Walter Emmett Hunnicutt, Marlin, Texas provides an insight to early-day Blue Ridge, Kosse, Stranger,and Reagan history:

"My husband, Judge Walter Emmett Hunnicutt, was born June 11, 1865, and he passed away in December 1936. He was Judge of Falls County for fourteen years, at different times. He was the son of Winfield S. Hunnicutt, who came to Texas in 1849 and established his rural home in the Blue Ridge community where he continued to reside until his death in 1908. Mr. Scott Hunnicutt was a member of Company B, of Waller's battalion, General Hardeman's brigade of the Confederate Army. He was a native of Tennessee before coming to Texas.

"The pioneer record for large families was almost broken by Judge Hunnicutt's father and mother, above mentioned. There were seventeen children, my husband being among this number. I married Walter Hunnicutt on December 12, 1894. My maiden name was Miss Mattie Kyser and I was the daughter of W. D. Kyser a pioneer stockman and farmer, and business man of Merlin, Texas. My father and mother came to Texas from Alabama.

"I will try to tell you about some of the first families of the Blue Ridge community where Judge Hunnicutt's father settle in 1849, and the way they lived at that time. The Forbes family came to the area from Tenneessee. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Forbes arrived in the early fifties. His son, Dr. L. D. Forbes, graduated from the New Orleans school of medicine, and practiced both on the Ridge and in Marlin. The older Forbes built their home on the spot where Mrs. Forbes lives today. They built in the fifties, long before the Civil War. Aside from his practice of medicine, Mr. L. D. Forbes invented a mechanical cotton gin, where the feeders automatically carries the cotton to the gin-saws or units. Near the Forbes and Barclay homes there was located a mule-driven gin. This gin was across the road from the Swinnes place, owned by Bill and later, by Ed Vann. It was moved down near Big Creek and used until discarded for a newer model.

"Another early family to settle on the Ridge was the Barclay family whose [?] was known as the "Squire" and they lived in a log house on the spot a few hundred yards north of where Hancock's store stands today. Farther north east on the Ridge the Garretts lived. They came from Tenneessee about 1849. The old home, with some improvement, stands today, a silent reminder of those early days. The family history is one of destiny and accomplishment. The original head of the family was Thomas Garrett. His children were Jasper, Mary Elizabeth, Cynthia Ann and Catherine, Jim, Sarah, Tome and Rennie. All are linked with history and development of this section of the country.

"As we follow the Ridge in the location then of what is now Stranger, the next old home place is that of the Brothers family. Jesse Brothers with his wife and children came from Tenneesee to Texas in the late fifties. They brought their slaves with them. Like so many of their neighbors, they sought new fortunes in the land. They also sought relief from the troubled question of slavery; the Brothers family, with their slaves, camped under the big oak tree that stands today in the middle of the road as you approach the Ridge in the section now known as [?]. They settled near the Barclay family who kindly provided stock for meat for the family. The men went looked over the neighboring counties and returned to the Ridge an' bought land on the hill overlooking Big Creek and began to build their homes. Grandpa Jesse Brothers served in the Civil , returned on a furlough and died before the war ended. He left several sons, among them William, and Jesse, Junior. His sons and grandsons followed farming for their occupation.

"Further South, along the Ridge, lived a family wo had a son, Joel, who was supposed to be the first official in the community.

"One of Granny Moffett's daughters married Quinton Vann who farmed on the Little Brazos River. There are many descendants of the [?] family, whose head was William [?]. They came to the Ridge in an early day and William Erskine married Miss Mary Elizabeth Garrett. They built near the little church-school house where the present Methodist church is at Stranger. Frank [?] lives in the spacious old Erskine home in Stranger. {Begin page no. 5}"Still farther south-west, on the Ridge, is the old Eddins' home. John Eddins and family came to Texas from Alabama in 1860; and, after a short stay in Marlin, bought a farm lying close to Big Creek, in a valley between a ridge of hills. The farm now belongs to the Jesse Brothers' estate. Jasper Garrett persuaded Eddins to build his home up on the Ridge about the time the Civil War began. Eddins bought sufficient ground from the Garretts to build the home. Mr. Eddins and his sons had to walk a mile across the sandy ridge to get to his farm, leaving his wife and daughter, Kate to keep house.

"Near the Eddins home was the home of Hodge and also of Swinnes. And nor far away was the pioneer home of Allen Morrell, a son of the Baptist preacher, Rev. Z. N. Morrell. Two years ago, all that remained of the Morrell home, a heap of logs, was moved to the Falls County Old Settlers Association grounds and there were built into a log cabin in remembrance of those early pioneers. This old Morrell home stood on a spot later occupied by the home of Bill Fannin; then Grady Blair bought the place. It stood on top of the Ridge, overlooking Big Creek Valley and from it could be seen one of the most picturesque views in the county. For miles one could see the farms, dotting the countryside, with little spots of grass land and trees scattered about. Through this country runs old Big Creek which flows into the Brazos River. East of this Morrell home is the town of Marlin.

"Mr. W. T. Fannin came to the Ridge in 1875 and bought the Moffett home; later it was sold to the Blairs. On the Ridge, southwest of the Moffett home was the home of the Prices. W. A. Price, Junior, a son of the pioneer lives in the old Price home today. {Begin page no. 6}In 1882, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Shaw came to the Ridge to live and settled east of the Price home. Dr. Shaw served fifteen months in the Alabama Calvary of the Confederate Army. He was a native of Alabama and his wife, Miss Nannie Sypart, was a Tennessean. Dr. Shaw practiced on the Ridge for many years, then moved to Marlin, where he died. His son, Dr. Frank Shaw succeeded him in his practice.

"About a mile south of the Stranger store, the Rogers family and John Marlin settled a few years after the battle of San Jacinto. The Rogers family settled on the Ridge, while the Marlin family settled at a place known as [?], a few miles south of the present town of Marlin. The Rogers and the Merlin families came from Tennessee, following the footsteps of Sam Houston.

"The Kay home and store were built where old Mrs. Gertrude Hancock lived and was south east of Stranger. Mr. Kay was a farmer and devoted church worker. He organized the first Sunday School at Stranger and was superintendent until his death. He was an un-official post master before the rural mail service was established. On business trips to Kosse, he would call for the people's mail and bring it to his store, where they came to get it. Mrs. Kays' son, by a former marriage, was Hollman Hancock. He married Miss Gertrude Garrett, daughter of the pioneer family of Garrets, of Blue Ridge. [?], Sanford Hancock, still owns and operates the store at Stranger on the Ridge.

"It is difficult to give the dividing line between Stranger and the Reagan community. The Stranger community on the Ridge can be seen for miles from the Waco-Marlin state highway. In fair weather, there is always a deep blue atmosphere over it, hence the name of Blue Ridge. The old Hunnicutt home stands overlooking the valley on the Ridge stands today just as it stood when Winfield Scott Hunnicutt located there in 1849. Additions have been made to the house and the logs covered with weather-boarding lumber. Two of his sons still live in the old house.

"You may stand on the Ridge and look westward where you can see the broad valley as it abruptly drops down below you with a ravine between the Ridge and the valley. Farms, farm houses and the green woods of Big Creek, dot this valley. In the fall of the year cotton pickers can be seen swinging to and fro, gathering the fleecy staple. Tall trees, sloping hill and beautiful prairies form a never-to-be-forgotten picture. About ten miles to the west can be seen the tops of buildings in Marlin, and a few miles beyond Marlin, one can see the trees which border the Brazos River.

"The Ridge gradually slopes south west to the little town of Reagan. Here is a small creek, named Salt Branch and on its banks many of the early settlers sleep the last sleep, unmindful of the changes wrought by Father Times since they came, in their ambition to build new homes, to the new state of Texas.

"To the east, lies the town of Kosse, where the Houston and Texas Central Railroad came through in the seventies. Some of the early Ridge settlers moved over to Kosse for the benefit of the railroad facilities. Among them was Dr. Toland, who came to the Ridge as a young doctor. He, like Dr. Poindexter, boarded at Granny William's. They could tell many a story of those early days. I remember one story that they loved to tell. All the people met at the little church to pray for rain. One woman came with her coat and umbrella, prepared for an answer to their prayers. They brought their lunch and spent the day. A long about the afternoon, the sky became over-cast and by late afternoon, it began to rain and what a rain fell! It rained so hard that all the creeks got out of banks and the crowd had to spend the night in the little school-church house and they spent the night giving thanks for their answer to prayer. But only one came prepared for an answer to their prayers. It was one of the oldest members of the flock and she declared that in time gone by, the way to receive an answer to prayer, was to have the faith to be ready for it.

"The Pools and the Bells were other families whose names are indelibly written into the history of the Blue Ridge settlement. The Bell family came from Tennessee ; they had a large family and took an active part in the affairs of the community. Two sons served in the Civil War and one had lost his life in the war with Mexico, along with fifteen other men from a neighboring county. Other prominent early families were the Arnetts, Mayes, Herron, Nichols, Vann, Hickman, Darden, Saxon, Clawson and many others who lived farther south on the Ridge. About 1870, two single men came from Tennessee; they were Henry Clay [Cowan?] and Jim Owens. Mr. Cowan married Miss Laura Wyche, who was teaching school near Bremond. She was a daughter of Dr. George Wyche who settled in the settlement known so Bedias, near Anderson, Texas, in the days before the Civil War. Jim Owens married Miss Betty Robertson, who came from a large family who lived on the lower Ridge. The Owenses made their home at Reagan, where they reared a family. The Cowan family, with others from the Ridge, moved in the early seventies to what was then known as Willow Springs, and is now the town of Mart.

"It is difficult to give even a brief sketch of those early settlers, but the Stranger settlement dates back to the days before the Mexican War. The Hunnicutts, the Barnes, Cornelisons, Williams, Mitchells, and others who settled on Blue Ridge at Woodland, had a definite part in the building of the Stranger community. There were other communities on the Ridge, and all are linked with the history of Falls county. In this outline, mention only is made of those who lived nearest the place where the school and church were held. It was many years later that the place secured a post office and was given the name of Stranger.

"Dr. Forbes had a gin a few hundred yards from his home. Later, Thomas Kerchain built a store and another man built a blacksmith shop. So, to a spot near the [??], came the first essentials of a community center, i. e., a doctor, a gin, a blacksmith shop, and a store. Kay's store was located where the present Hancock store stands today. Kerchain and others saw the advantage of having a post office up on the hill, and they wrote the government for blanks on which to make application for a post office. Kerchain received those blanks, worked out all the detalils and then they made their way to the nearest place to receive a hearing, probably Waco or Marlin.

"According to local history, the hearing was favorable and the need for a post office was established. And, the story goes, that the name the applicants suggested did not meet with the approval of those who held the hearing and that one of the officials, with some impatience, turned to Kerchain, who spoked English brokenly, and said: "Come, come! Can't you think of a suitable name?" To which Kerchain hesitantly replied, "Well, I don't know. I'm just a stranger in the community." To this the official replied, "Well, that will do-- Stranger," and he wrote the word "Stranger" upon the application blank which went to Washington and was approved. So this is the story of how Stranger, on Blue Ridge, got its name".

Stranger Location and Area History

Stranger, which went by the name, Upper or North Blue Ridge, is north of State Highway 7 and about ten miles east of Marlin in Falls County. The area was settled in the late 1840s and became a town in 1879. There are many sories about how the town got its name but the most likely story is that a post office representative asked the local blacksmith what to name the community, but that the blacksmith, a recent arrival, said he didn't know, he was a stranger to the town. By 1884 Stranger had four churches, a school, a steam cotton gin, a corn mill, and a hotel; at that time the community shipped cotton and grain. In the 1930's, Stranger still had five businesses but by the 1940s it reported only one business and an estimated fifty residents. In the 1940s the community still included three churches and two schools.

Another prominent settler of Stranger was Jesse (Boog)Clarence Brothers. Jesse was born on September 14, 1883, at Stranger, Falls County, Texas, lived in the Blue Ridge area and died on January 21, 1953 (buried in Stranger Cemetery).
Jesse was a son of Taylor Franklin and Lenora Elizabeth ("Nora" Pool) Brothers. "Boog" married Marguerite Ann Millerman. She was born on July 18, 1886, at Blue Ridge, Falls County, Texas and died April 23, 1962 (buried by her husband in Stranger Cemetery). Marguerite Ann Millerman was the daughter of Charles Arrister and Dora (Wright) Millerman.

"Boog" was a farmer by profession all his life. During the time his children were in school in Stranger, his family resided in the home built by William M. McKinney, whose wife had been deeded the land by her parents.

Some of the most enjoyable social occasions in the Stranger Community were when "Boog" and Ann would clear out a couple of rooms in their home, engage a fiddler's band, joined by harmonicas, for dancing; and card tables set up in the other room for playing dominoes and "42."

Later, "Boog" and Ann moved to the early home of his parents near the Harlan Gin in the Blue Ridge Community, where they lived until their deaths.

Jesse and Marguerite Ann Millerman had two children:

Marie Brothers -- who married Martin L. Shields

Frankie Lou Brothers, born May 31, 1916, at Stranger -- married August 20, 1930, at Groesbeck, Limestone County, Texas to James Leonard Garrett, b July 22, 1912, at Stranger, Falls County Texas, d February 17, 1983, in Marshall, Texas and buried in Stranger Cemetery in Falls County.

Another prominent settler of early-day North Blue Ridge (and first postmaster of the new town, Stranger) was Harrison Kay. Harrison and and his wife, Sarah Dunn were natives of Alabama and later moved to Cobb Co. Georgia where their first four children were born:
William James Kay in 1847
John Thomas Kay 1849
Henry P. Kay 1851
Mary H. Kay in 1853

In or about 1857 Harrison moved his family to Arkansas, on Dec 1, 1857 he purchased 2 parcles of land totaling 120 acres for Navada County. On July 1, 1859 he purchased an additional 240 acres.. in Navada Co. Ark. By this time two more children had been added to the family. David C.( Crockett?) born in Ark about 1856 and Samuel Dunn born in Ark between 1858/59.

According to an autobiographical sketch of his son, H.P. Kay of Comanche Co., Texas, Harrison(Harris) by profession was a physician. On the second call for troops, he entered the Confederate sevice, but was discharged on account of ill health and returned home. At another call, he again responded, and a second time was discharged and returned home. He later offered his service a third time and was sent home to practice his profession among the needy war widows in connection with another physician.

For service he recieved no pay. After the close of the war, in 1865, he came to Texas, buying land in Falls Co., a part of the J.P. Moffett farm... He erected a store near his home south of the Joel W. Roberts home. He hauled supplies from Kosse, Texas to his store and always brought the mail before Stranger got its won post office.

In an article from The Marlin Daily Democrat "Stranger Rekindles Memories." ........ Once again Harris Kay conducts Sunday School in the old church school or had another big Christmas Party at his home on the side of the hill" Kay had a store located southeast of the present Stranger store. Mr. Kay was a devoted church worker, Sunday School teacher and Supertendent until his death."

"He was a farmer and had the finest orchard in the county- a pear tree that bore fruit for him had an abundant crop in 1938."

In 1879 , Harris Kay was appointed postmaster of Stranger, delivering the mail. Until that time Stranger was simply "Blue Ridge at Kays Store."

From A History of Falls County..." Harris farmed, planted an orchard, and was very active in the Blue Ridge Missionary Baptist Church at Stranger-- being a charter member and Deacon for about 20 years, and is said to have been a favorite with children. It was a result of his allowing the children to cover him with snow that caused his pneumonia that resulted in his death in November of 1889. Sarah had passed away during a Flu epidemic in 1871and is buried in the Stranger Cemetery as is Harris and His second wife Louisa Jane (Adair)Hancock, a young widow with one son Holman Kendall Hancock. There were 2 children from this union... Fleetwood Kay b. 1872 and Saletta Kay b. about 1874.

A head stone marks the graves of Harris and Louisa in the little cemetary at Stranger between the two churches still standing in 1981, it was placed there by Earl Hancock, son of Holman Hancock.


The Garette Cemetery was established in the original community of Blue Ridge, Falls County, Texas in 1851 with a gift of land (and site selected by) Thomas McKissick Garrett. It was used as the community cemetery for almost two decades, until the Stranger Cemetery and Churches were established in July 1869.In addition to the survey of tombstones in this cemetery, Family Bibles, and Falls County Deed and Death Records have been searched to identify some who are buried here without tombstones. Undoubtedly, there are some buried here who have been missed. Twenty or more gravesites have boulder-type stones to mark them, without name or dates. Several plots are outlined with stones, but have no stone within these to mark gravesites.

In the September 28, 1905 newspaper, The Marlin Democrat, a letter to the Editor from one Walter Tyrol, recounts the history of the Garrett Family, and states the following:

Thomas McKissick Garrett, himself, selected this beautiful burying ground... I have stood once more upon Bald Knob, as it was called in ante bellum days - now the Garrett Cemetery. Within ten days, loving hands laid to rest in this sacred soil, the father, Thomas McKissick Garrett, his daughter, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Erskine, and Easter - the faithful servant of the Garrett Family."


ABERNATHY, Bard L., b 1-22-1875, d 8-28-1936 - lst husband of Lytle Lucy Roberts (her 2nd husband, Leo S. Davis)

ABERNATHY, Deane - son of J.R. & A.L. Abernathy, b 9-29-1891, d 8-6-1893

ABERNATHY, Jesse Roberts son of Bard L. & L .L. Abernathy, b 7-16-1905, d 6-2-1916

ADAIR, Daniel W. - son of N...I. & S.M. Davis, b 3-17-1874, d 7-21-1878

ALEXANDER, Alice Maud - daughter of Reverend G. W. & M. J. Alexander, b 4-13-1871, d 8-28-1882

ALLEN, Emma 0. - 2nd wife of B. W. Allen, b 5-2-1837, d 1884
ALLEN, Helen F. (Webster) - wife of L.P. Allen, b 8-30-1918 - no death date
ALLEN, Leonard P., b 2-9-1907, d 11-22-1977
ALLEN, Marinda Martha (Busby) - Ist wife of B. W. Allen, b 1830 (sic 1833), d 3-5-1875 [and daughter of David T. & Martha (Sweeney) Busby]

ARNETT, James Hansford, b 1830 - no date of death on tombstone - CSA: 2nd Lt.,Co. I, 21st Texas Cavalry

ARNETT, Phoebe (Summerville) - wife of James Hansford Arnett, and daughter of Marcus L. & Mary (Cavitt) Summerville, b 7-14-1848, d 12-31-1940

BELL, Anna - wife of Samuel Bell, b 7-12-1815 in South Carolina, d 10-10-1876,age 61 years

BELL, Samuel, b 1812 in South Carolina, d 12-8-1899, age 87 years

Belle (Neal) Norwood, b 8-31-1906, d 12-17-1978

BROOKS, Charles L., 1867-1890
BROOKS, Daughter of Wm. F. & Lucy Frances (Rogers) Brooks, b 12-13-1873,d 10-31-1875 (Wm.F. Brooks was brother of Angeline Brooks Granade, 3rd wife of William Richards Erskine; Lucy Frances Rogers was daughter of Larkin & Mary Aycock Rogers, whose Ist husband was Joshua A. Saxon - killed in CSA)

BROOKS, William H., d 1889
BROOKS, Woodrow W. - son of B. B. & Carrie Btooks, b 6-15-1919, d 2-16-1928

Brothers, b 3-10-1903, d 9-30-1960

BROTHERS, Charles Roye - son of Jesse Barzilla & Laura (Hufstetler) Brothers, b 12-10-1898, d 7-28-1973

BROTHERS, Essie Myrtle - daughter of T.F. & L.E. Brothers, b 7-19-1881, d 7-19-1884
BROTHERS, Griffith son of James Milton & S.A. Brothers, b 7-6-1891, d 2-21-1900

BROTHERS, Harris Kay ("Pat") - son of Jesse Barzilla & Laura Brothers, b 1-17-1888, d 7-22-1953
BROTHERS, Helen (Drefke) wife of J .A. Brothers, b 7-27-1915 alive in March 1988

BROTHERS, Henry L. ("Bunk") - son of Harris Kay & Jeannie Brothers, b 9-28-1921, d 12-2-1966 - WW II: S.Sgt., U.S. Air Force
BROTHERS, Infant Son of James Milton & Sarah A. ("Sallie" Griffith) Brothers, b 8-12-1887, d 9-30-1887

BROTHERS, Infant Son of James Milton & Sarah A. (Griffith) Brothers, b 9-16-1896, d 10-12-1896

BROTHERS, Irene - daughter of T.F. & L.E. Brothers, b 6-23-1895, d 11-16-1895

BROTHERS, Irma A. - Infant Daughter of J.S. & E.F. Brothers, b 5-24-1906, d 5-30-1906

BROTHERS, Jack Kendal son of J.M. & L.E. Brothers, b & d 12-7-1932

BROTHERS, James R. - son of Jesse B. & Laura E. Brothers, b 11-30-1892, d 2-10-1931

BROTHERS, Jeannie (Cobb) - wife of H.K. ("Pat") Brothers, and daughter of Robert Long & Arrilla (Millerman) Cobb, b 3-20-1888, d 2-16-1951

BROTHERS, Jess A. - son of H .K. & J. (Cobb) Brothers, b 11-10-1912; d 4-6-1983

BROTHERS, Jesse Barzilla son of Jesse D. & Matilda Barzilla (Maulding) Brothers, b - 8-4-1859, d 3-3-1933

BROTHERS, Jesse Clarence ("Boog") - son of T.F. & L.E. Brothers, b 9-14-1883, d 1-21-1953

BROTHERS, Jesse Monroe ("Jack") - son of Jesse Barzilla & Laura (Hufstetler)

BROTHERS, Jollie - son of T.F. & L.E. Brothers, b 12-8-1887, d 6-13-1889

BROTHERS, Kathleen, b 7-9-1910, d 5-17-1911

BROTHERS, Laura E. (Hufstetler) - wife of Jesse Barzilla Brothers, and sister to Mrs. Margaret (Hufstetler) McCoy - buried in Garrett Cemetery at Stranger, b 4-10-1869, d 12-25-1963

BROTHERS, Lenora Elizabeth ("Nora" Pool) - wife of T.F. Beothers, and daughter of Elias & Margaret (Bell) Pool, b 8-28-1867, d 2-3-1943

BROTHERS, Loraine Eugenia (Hancock) - wife of Jesse Monroe ("Jack") Brothers, & daughter of H.K. & G.E. (Garrett) Hancock, b 3-24-1902, d 10-18-1967

BROTHERS, Lucie Marie.("Tissie" Robertson) - wife of Charles Roye Brothers, b 12-5-1898, d 6-27-1975

BROTHERS, Marguerite Ann (Millerman) - wife of Jesse Clarence Brothers, and daughter of Charles Arrister & Frances Isadora ("Dora" Wright) Millerman; b 7-18-1886, d 4-23-1962

BROTHERS, Mozelle - daughter of T.F. & L.E. Brothers, 1889-1948

BROTHERS, Taylor Franklin - son of Jesse D. & Matilda Barzilla (Maulding) Brothers, b 8-4-1857, d 10-11-1914

BROTHERS, Taylor Franklin, Jr. - son of T.F. & L.E. Brothers, b 12-27-1894, d 3-1-1897

BROTHERS, William Jesse son of Jesse Barzilla & Laura Brothers, b 3-24-1896, d 1-11-1899

BROTHERS, William Noland - son of H.K. ("Pat") & Jeannie Brothers, b 11-19-1910, d 3-16-1962 - called "Buster" - WW II: PFC, 212 Armd Fld. Arty. BN

BROTHERS, Winnie Evelyn, b 2-17-1908, d 5-17-1911

BURNEY, Georgia Ann - wife of James Hiram Burney, 1884-1920

BURNEY, James Hiram, 1879-1957

CAPPS, Gladys E. - wife of Henry M. Capps, b 6-29-1892, d 2-15-1976

CAPPS, Henry M., b 7-30-1898, d 8-2-1975

CAPPS, Henry M., Jr. - son of H. M. & G.E. Capps, b 6-14-1925, d 7-18-1926

CARPENTER, Infant Daughter of J.P. & R.V. Carpenter, b 9-27-1897, d 11-22-1897 (A Twin)

CARPENTER, Infant of J.P. & R.V. Carpenter, b 9-27-1897, d 12-23-1897 (a Twin)

CARPENTER, Jonathan Zollacoffer, b Walker County, Georgia 4-1-1862, d Limestone County, Texas 9-7-1883

CASEY, Eliza H. - daughter of M. & T.E. Casey, b & d 11-9-1887

CASH, A.M. - husband of Cynthia Charlotte Roberts - daughter of Joel Walter & Lucy Lelia (Tarver) Roberts; b 3-23-1857, d 4-10-1897

CHANDLER, Joseph Walter - son of J.M. & E.S. Chandler, b 6-21-1877, d 9-27-1880, aged 3 years, 3 months, 6 days

CHANDLER, William H. son of J.M. & E.S. Chandler, b 10-21-1873, d 2-10-1877, aged 3 years, 3 months, 19 days

CHATHAM, Baby Elizabeth - daughter of D.D. & E. Chatham, b & d 1936
CHATHAM, Durwood D. - b 4-27-1903, d 2-16-1976

CHATHAM, Esther (Williams) - wife of D.D. Chatham, and daughter of James William & Aramantha (Millerman) Williams - buried in Blue Ridge Cemetery; b 10-7-1903,

CLAWSON, John I. - son of William I. & Clara C. (Coen) Clawson, b 1-26-1901, d 1-20-1924

CLAWSON, Orvie - son of William I. & Clara C. (Coen) Clawson, b 7-12-1888, d 10-5-1943

COBB, Eula Mae (Lane) - wife of George Waylan Cobb, and daughter of Samuel

COBB, George Waylan - son of Robert Long & Arrilla (Millerman) Cobb, b 801501907, d 5-25-1961

COMMANDER, Edna 0. - wife of Jesse H. Commander, b 1-19-1897 - d 12-6-1982

COMMANDER, Jesse H., b 8-8-1898, d 10-1-1971

Concrete Stone - no identification

COOK, Rhoda Viola, b 12-27-1877, d 7-5-1879

COX, Mary Florence (Gassaway) - wife of William David Cox, and mother of Florence Midora (Cox) Erskine, b 3-14-1830 in Kentucky, d 4-26-1886

COX, Mary C. - lst wife of David H. Cox (whose 2nd wife was Joelena ("Lena") Roberts - daughter of Joel Walter & Lucy Lelia (Tarver) Roberts; b 10-6-1870, d 3-13-1892

COX, Mary L. - daughter of David H. & Mary C. Cox - inscribed "Our Baby Daughter"; b 10-6-1892, d 4-6-1892

CRENSHAW, Clarence Reeves - son of T.N. & E.S. Crenshaw, 11-22-1888, d at age 5 weeks, 3 days (only one date on tombstone)
CLAWSON, G. R. - son of W.M. & N.L. Clawson, b 12-27-1875, d 9-30-1895

CRISWELL, Little Jeffy - son of T.L. & M.M. Criswell, b 1-13-1888, d 11-23-1889

CRISWELL, Mary Magalene (Parton) - lst wife of Thomas Leroy Criswell, b 10-15-1867, d 1-13-1889

CUMMING, Inez Gertrude (Hancock) - wife of David John Cumming, and daughter of H.K. & Gertrude E. Hancock, b 5-18-1893, d 12-19-1978 (and buried in Nogales, Arizona.) Memorial Stone only.

DAVIS, Daniel, b 3-20-1820, d 3-1-1888

DAVIS, Sarah E. - wife of J.R. Davis, b 9-8-1845, d 10-9-1882

DOWNS, Hettie Mary (Erskine) Poole - daughter of James Franklin & Florence Midora (Cox) Erskine - lst husband, William Thornton Poole; 2nd husband, Virgil Downs

DRUM, Caroline, 1835-1905 - mother of Sarah (Drum) Webster

EARLY, Lottie - daughter of W.D. & F.M. Early, b 8-12-1883, d 6-15-1888

AVEN, J. W., b 2-28-1819, d 11-15-1874

EAVES, Annie Lee - daughter of A.J. & I.T. Eaves, b 12-18-1888, d 2-13-1889 , Daughter of (Broken Tombstone), d 1881 - aged 22 years

EAVES, Tennie - wife of A.J. Eaves, b 3-13-1870, d 2-8-1890

EDDINS, Abner W. son of J.R. & E.L. Eddins, 1866-1942

EDDINS, Claude C. son of J.R. & E.L. Eddins, b 4-25-1882, d 10-26-1882

EDDINS, Emeline L. wife of John R. Eddins, b 4-17-1842 ' d 12-31-1916

EDDINS, Ida Maudee (Williams) - wife of Abner W. Eddins, and daughter of W.H.W. & Matilda Barzilla (Maulding) Williams (her Ist husband was Jesse D. Brothers (buried in Blue Ridge Cemetery), 1869-1945 HAIR, Thomas J. - son of Archibald & Martha (Ronie) Hair, 1841-1927 - CSA:Co. E, 8th Mississippi Infantry

EDDINS, John R., b 11-15-1837, d 12-21-1921 - CSA: Co. 11, 17th Ala. Inf.

EDWARDS, M. J. - wife of William Edwards, b 8-15-1861, d 10-12-1888 HARLAN, Thomas D. - son of Reverend James & Margaret (Langston) Harlan, & father of John Luther Harlan - buried Blue Ridge Cemetery; b 6-1-1831, d 2-4-1910

ERSKINE, Baby Son of James Franklin & Florence Midora Erskine, b & d 9-8-1884

ERSKINE, Carl Cavitt - son of James Franklin & Florence Midora Erskine, b 12-3-1897, d 11-23-1980

ERSKINE, Carrie Mayflower (Haraegree) - 2nd wife of Jasper Stovall Erskine, and daughter of Midland Ella (Hawthorne) Hardegree, b 5-10-1888, d 2-24-1953

ERSKINE, Claude Gentry - son of James Franklin & Florence Midora Erskine, b 1-20-1886, d 1-8-1980

ERSKINE, Clyde (Petteway) - wife of Richard Franklin Erskine, and daughter of Mark Ignatius & Lena Petteway, b 7-26-1895, d 3-17-1956

ERSKINE, Florence Midora (Cox) - wife of James Franklin Erskine, and daughter of William David & Mary Florence (Gassaway) Cox, b 1-17-1860, d 10-20-1941

ERSKINE, Hattie Lavinia (McInnis) - lst wife of William David Erskine, and daughter of Thomas Josea & Delilah (Chiles) McInnis, b 4-3-1876, d 3-4-1905

ERSKINE, Infant Son of James Franklin & Florence Midora Erskine, b & d 9-30-1880

ERSKINE, James Franklin - son of William Richards * Mary Elizabeth (Garrett) Erskine, b 4-9-1857, d 2-19-1918

ERSKINE, James William - son of Jasper Stovall & Sarah Katherine Erskine, b 4-12-1906; alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas Clst wife, Sue Inez Brothers - buried Stranger Cemetery - daughter of Jesse Barzilla & Laura (Hufstetler) Brothers; 2nd wife, Iris Tredway - daughter of Porter & Mamie Lee (Colwell) Tredway; 3rd wife, Tina (Cox) Kyserl

ERSKINE, Iris (Tredway) 2nd wife of James William Erskine, b 1-11-1914, d 6-25-1980

ERSKINE, Jasper Stovall -.son of James Franklin & Florence Midora Erskine (ml Sarah Katherine Dillard; m2 Carrie Mayflower Hardegree), b 10-15-1881, d 6-1-1944

ERSKINE, Mary Theresa (Harlan) - wife of (:arl Cavitt Erskine, and daughter of Charles & Cynthia Tallulah (Vat-nado) Harlan, b 5-5-1903, alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas

ERSKINE, Milton Wayne - son of Claude Gentry & Pauline Jane Erskine, b 4-29-1922, d 7-29-1943 - WW II: Cpl., 161 Coast Artillery

ERSKINE, Nancy ("Nanniell Griffith) - lst wife of John Wilford Erskine, and daughter of Leonard Lenore & Sarah (Owens) Griffith, b 1852, d 1877

ERSKINE, Pauline Jane (Harlan) - wife of Claude Gentry Erskine, and daughter of Charles & Cynthia. Tallulah (Varnado) Harlan,, b 9-30-1891, d 9-27-1975

ERSKINE, Richard Franklin - son of James Franklin & Florence Midora (Cox) Erskine, b 3-30-1891, d 9-16-1947 - WW I: Pvt., 130th Field Artillery, 35th Division

ERSKINE, Robert Reed - son of Jasper Stovall & Sarah Katherine (Dillard) Erskine, 1907-1964 (and husband of Betty Jo Patterson)

ERSKINE, Rosa E. - daughter of J.W. & N. Erskine, b'1877, d

ERSKINE, Stovall Dillard - son of Jasper Stovall & Sarah Katherine Erskine, b 1-17-1909, d 12-1-1913
ERSKINE, Sue Inez - lst wife of James William Erskine, and daughter of Jesse Barzilla & Laura Brothers, b 9-3-1906, d 7-17-1932

ESSLINGER, Charles A., b 11-14-1890, d 1-20-1945

ESSLINGER, Stella (Webster) - wife of Charles A. Esslinger, b 2-7-1888, d 4-11-1979

ETHRIDGE, J. D., b 3-14-1865, d 12-21-1973

FAIRBAIRN, Andrew Jackson - lst husband of Margaret Cornelia Emily Wolf, and son of Noah & Mavice Fairbairn, b 9-12-1842, d 10-26-1892 - CSA: Co. C, 3rd Regt., South Carolina Infantry (wife buried in Kosse, Limestone County, Texas Cemetery with 2nd husband, Thomas Andrew Bradley)

FANNIN, Fred Baker - son of Warren Oscar & Sarah Fannin, b 12-12-1895, d 12-5-1971

FANNIN, Freddie Ray - son of Fred Baker & Lela Mae Fannin, b 7-12-1918, d 1-7-1922

FANNIN, Howell Oscar - son of Wm.T. & M.M. Fannin, b & d 4-28-1888

FANNIN, James Durett - son of Warren Oscar & Sarah Fannin, b 10-29-1891, d 12-19-1916 (Woodmen of the World)

FANNIN, John Elton Cornelius - son of Warren Oscar & Sarah Fannin, b 12-8-1888, d 12-22-1905

FANNIN, Juanita (Towers) - wife of William Warren Fannin, and daughter of Junius Elbert & Mae Sue (Smith) Towers, b 11-18-1907, d 2-24-1985

FANNIN, Lela Mae - wife of Fred Baker Fannin, b 2-16-1896, d 7-23-1965

FANNIN, Mamie Lucile - wife of James Durett Fannin, b 10-11-1906, d 5-1-1907

FANNIN, Myrtice - daughter of Wm. Thomas & Mary Minerva (Varnado) Fannin, b 1-15-1884, d 9-11-1884

FANNIN, Sarah ("Sallie" A. Varnado) - wife of Warren Oscar Fannin, and a daughter of Charles & Rebecca Jane (Davis) Varnado, b 8-16-1869, d 1-14-1950

FANNIN, Sarah ("Sallie" Campbell - wife of James 0. Fannin & Mother of William Thomas Fannin, b 1-18-1818, d 12-4-1900

FANNIN, Warren Oscar - son of James 0. & Sarah ("Sallie" Campbell) Fannin,b 7-7-1860, d 6-1-1932

FANNIN, William Warren - son of Warren Oscar'& Sarah Fannin, b 4-25-1904; alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas

FLANNAGAN, Willie Aurora - daughter of J.D. & M.E. Flannagan, b 11-5-1871,d 10-20-1878

FORBES, Dr. Lycurgus Dudley - son of Dr. R.C. & E. Forbes, and 2nd husband of Sarah Permelia ("Sallie" Scogin) Hollingsworth, whose lst husband was Dr. Richard Collins Hollingsworth; b 1-15-1835, d 4-27-1887

FORBES, Elzira (Long) - wife of Dr. Robert C. Forbes [buried on private land in northern end of Stranger, Texas, b 11-5-1806, d 4-24-1871 - a son of John & Elizabeth (Hawthorne) Forbes, and daughter of Benjamin & Nancy (Menefee) Long, b 2-6-1806, d 6-30-1892

FORBES, Jessie (Snead) wife of R.D. Forbes, and daughter of Charles Henry Dudley & Frances Eugene (Shaw) Snead, b in Pineville, Alabama 1874, d 2-2-1955

FORBES, Robert Charlesworth - son of R.D. & J. Forbes, 1902-1903

FORBES, Robert Dudley son of Dr. L.D. & S. Forbes, b 2-20-1875, d 7-6-1923

FORBES, Sarah ("Sallie" Scogin) Hollingsworth - daughter of Toliver Lang & Caroline (Davenport) Scogin, b 11-28-1843, d 1-17-1911

FRAZIER, Alta Elzera (DeWitt) - 2nd wife of Alexander Frazier, and daughter of James Lee & Mary (Stutts) DeWitt, Sr.; 1860-1885

FRAZIER, Infant Daughter of A. & A.E. Frazier - b & d ca 1882

FRAZIER, Mary J. (Reed) - lst wife of Alexander Frazier, b 8-5-1845, d 9-17-1879

FULLER, Angelo James son of Miner Charles & Maty'Eliza ("Mollie" Chamberlain) Fuller, b 4-26-1887, d 1-13-1896 '(An older brother gave this young child the following name and b & d dates: Angelo Chamberlain Fuller, b 4-26-1883, d 1-13-1892, at age 9 years)

GARRETT, James Leonard - son of Leonard Lenore & Lucy Carrol ("Carl" Hargrove)

GARRETT, Agnes Estelle (Mitchell) - wife of Sanford Quay Garrett, and daughter of William Henry & Margaret Lucinda (Chamberlain) Mitchell - buried in Blue Ridge Cemetery; b 8-21-1896, d 10-6-1974
Garrett, b 7-22-1912, d 2-17-1983

GARRETT, Frankie of Jesse Clarence & Marguerite Ann (Millerman) Brothers, b 5-31-1916, alive in March 1988 in Bremond, Robertson County, Texas

GARRETT, Glenn Willis - husband of Elnora (Ray), and son of Leonard Lenore & Lucy Carrol ("Carl" Hargrove) Garrett, b 9-28-1906, d 3-19-1979 GARRETT, Elnora (Ray) - wife of Glenn Willis Garrett, and daughter of Andrew Jackson & Fannie Emma (Dixon) Ray, b 10-12-1915 - alive in March 1988 in Stranger, Texas

GARRETT, Hazel Vandalea (Reed) Mrosko - wife of S.Q. Garrett, Jr., and daughter of Lee Henry & Gertrude Jane (McAndrew) Reed, b7-15-1915, d..12-5-1971 (her lst husband, James Mrosko, buried Calvary Cemetery, Marlin, Texas)

GARRETT, James Odell - son of S.Q. & A. Garrett, and husband of Rebecca Ann Bradshaw), b 5-13-1921, d 3-20-1968 - WW II: U.S. Army Engineers, lst Lt.

GARRETT, James Odell, Jr. - Infant Son of J.0. & M.A. Garrett, b & d 1878, and buried in grave with his mother.

GARRETT, Leigh (Stanford) - 2nd wife of W.H. Garrett, b 12-26-1833 - alive in March 1988 near Palestine,, Texas - a daughter of Brady & Opal (Jones) Stanford

GARRETT, Lillie Irene - daughter of Robert Jasper & Mary (Smith) Garrett, b 4-19-1882, d 12-14-1882

GARRETT, Martha Ann ("Mattie" Griffith - lst wife of James Odell Garrett, and daughter of Leonard Lenore & Sarah (Owens) Griffith, b 1852, d 1878

GARRETT, Mary ("Mollie" Smith) - lst wife of Robert Jasper Garrett, and daughter of Ephraim & Edith (Smith) Smith, b 6-16-1840 in Mississippi, d 7-19-1895

GARRETT, Mary Aline - Daughter of Thomas Henry & Mary Ella (Roberts) Garrett, b 1-14-1894, d 8-7-1895

GARRETT, Sandra Susan - daughter of S.Q. & H. Garrett, Jr., b 9-25-1948, d 10-19-1980

GARRETT, Sanford Quay - son of James Odell & Elizabeth Ann (Jackson) Garrett who are buried in Garrett Cemetery at Stranger, Texas; b 1-22-1897, d 2-19-1962

GARRETT, Sanford Quay, Jr. - son of S.Q. & A. Garrett, b 2-1-1918, d 7-12-1985

GARRETT, Sarah Frances - Infant Daughter of J.0. & M.A. Garrett, b & d 1876

GARRETT, Thomas McKissick, II - Infant Son of J.0. -& M.A. Garrett, b & d 1872

GARRETT, William Henry - son of S.Q. & A. Garrett; lst wife, Norma Jo Smith; 2nd wife, Leigh Stanford; b 11-6-1922, d 3-13-1969 - WW II & Korea, Major, U.S. Marine Air Corps

GASSAWAY, Richard - brother of Mary Florence (Gassaway) Cox, b 1-1-1833, d 12-24-1913

GIBBS, Garland Gillis - son of Wm.R.K. & W.L. Gibbs, b 5-3-1919, d 7-1-1976
GIBBS, Marian Mitchell (Garrett) - wife of Garland Gillis Gibbs, and daughter of Sanford Q. & Agnes (Mitchell) Garrett, b 8-12-1919; alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas

GIBBS, Pauline R. (Goerdel) - 2nd wife of Robert Woodrow Gibbs, b 11-26-1909, d 5-21-1986

GIBBS, Robert Woodrow - son of Wm.R.K. & W.L. Gibbs, b 2-7-1913 - alive in March 1988 (lst wife, Emma Ruby Jones)

GIBBS, William Robert Kendrick ("R.K.") - son of James Henry & Sarah Frances (Talley) Gibbs, b 11-12-1885, d 12-24-1967

GIBBS, Willie Ldurine (Lucas) - wife of Wm.R.K. Gibbs, and daughter of Wm. James-.& Laura Aylene (Price) Lucas, b 9-20-1888; alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas

GRAY, Arthur Allen, b 11-14-1852, d 1-28-1877

GREEN, James William - son of Riley Green, 1938-1972

GREEN, Pearl Caroline (Webster), 1886-1926

GREEN, William L., b 12-7-1890, d 7-30-1916

GREER, Annie C. - wife of R. P. Greer, b 1858, d 7-10-1878 - aged 20 years,3 months, 10 days

GRIFFITH, Leonard Lenore, b 1820 in South Carolina,-d
GRIFFITH, Sarah (Owens) - wife of Leonard Lenore Griffith, b 1826, d

GRIGGEARS, Mrs. G. F. died at age 48 years, 9 months, 6 days - no dates

HAIR, Anna S. (Taylor) - wife of Thomas J. Hair, and daughter of Frederick & Sophia Taylor, 1850-1917

HANCOCK, Alta Lela ("Daughty" Yates), wife of E.C. Hancock, and daughter of William Edward & Fannie (Frazier) Yates, b 2-10-1906; alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas
HANCOCK, Barbara Jean - daughter of Sanford S. & Florence Hancock, b 9-18-1930, d 5-17-1939
HANCOCK, Carolyn Sue - daughter of Sanford S. & Florence Hancock, b 12-5-1926)d 5-17-1939
HANCOCK, Cornick Kendal - son of H.K. & G.E., Hancock, b 1-18-1898, d 6-18-1899
HANCOCK, Earl Conrad - son of Holman K. & Gertrude E. (Garrett) Hancock, b 3-29-1904; alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas
HANCOCK, Florence Werlein - wife of S. S. Hancock, b 10-18-1897, d a daughter of Edwin Franklin & Ida (Williams) Werlein
HANCOCK, Gertrude Eliza (Garrett) - wife of H.K. Hancock, and Twin of James Thomas Garrett - children of Robert Jasper & Mary ("Mollie" Smith) Garrett, b 11-25-1869, d 11-18-1941
HANCOCK, Holman Kendal son of Samuel B. & Louisa Jane (Adair) Hancock, b 1-19-1869, d 7-16-1926
HANCOCK, Robert Betran - son of H.K. & G.E. Hancock, b 9-26-1891, d 12-11-1891P and buried in Knickerbocker, Tom Green County, Texas. Memorial Stone only.
HANCOCK, Samuel B. - son of Samuel & Sarah Hancock, and lst husband of Louisa Jane (Adair), b 1842, d 1871 (& believed to be buried in Blue Ridge Cemetery (without tombstone)
HANCOCK, Sanford Stallworth - son of Holman Kendal & Gertrude Eliza (Garrett) Hancock, b 1-21-1900, alive in March 1988 in Hamilton, Texas
HANCOCK, Sarah Halliday - her 2nd husband was Samuel Hancock, b 1806, date of death unknown, but believed to be buried by her son, Samuel B. Hancock, without tombstone in Blue Ridge Cemetery KAY, Louisa Jane (Adair) Hancock - lst husband, Samuel B. Hancock; 2nd husband, Harris Kay, and daughter of James W. & Alcey Elizabeth (Dillard) Adair, 1848-1892 (Her uncles, Thomas Milton & Odell Duckett Dillard are both buried in Blue Ridge Cemetery) Harlan, b 7-19-1859, d 11-1-1886

HARLAN, Margaret Langston ("Maggie") - daughter of Thomas D. & Rebecca C.
HARLAN, Rebecca Charity (Jackson) - wife of Thomas D. Harlan, and daughter of John Wesley & Lydia (Clements) Jackson, b 11-18-1834, d 8-13-1914

HAYES, Edna (Arnett) - wife of Thomas Leslie Hayes, and daughter of James Aansford & Phoebe (Summetville) Arnett, b 12-26-1873, d 9-14-1948
HAYES, Esta Mae (sic, Esther Mae), b 1-8-1916, d 5-23-1945
HAYES, Infant Son and Infant Daughter of J.S. & S.A. Hayes - no dates PARSONS, Caroline V., b Conecuh Co., Alabama 3-11-1843, d near Marlin, Texas 11-13-1890
HAYES, Roy - son of James Sanford & Sarah A. (Reed) Hayes, b 10-31-1889, d 12-20-1901
HAYES, Thomas Leslie - son of James Sanford & Sarah (Reed) Hayes, b 8-21-1870, d 8-20-1954

HEARON, Cardelia A. (Nichols) - wife of Robert L. Hearon, b 11-26-1861, d 3-18-1935
HEARON, Clara E. (Swinnea) - wife of Ernest T. Hearon, and a daughter of Thomas S. & Julia I. (Varnado) Swinnea, b 4-2-1861, d 3-18-1935
HEARON, Ernest Hampshire - son of Ernest T. & Clara E. Hearon, b ca 1915, d ca 1980
HEARON, Ernest T. - son of Robert L. & Cardelia Hearon, b 11-2-1887, d 8-6-1950
HEARON, Hilton H. - son of Robert L. & Cardelia (Nichols) Hearon, b 3-4-1886, d 7-20-1932 (a Twin)
HEARON, Robert L. - stepson of William Richards Erskine, b 10-25-1859, d 10-27-1945
HEARON, Waymon W - son of Robert L. & Cardelia Hearon, b 3-4-1886, d 5-10-1914 (a Twin)

HERBERT, Elizabeth G. - daughter of J.J. & L.J. Herbert, b 3-2-1879, d 2-9-1880

HERRING, George - Infant Son of Emil & Annie (Utzel) Herring, died 1-31-1920

HERRINGTON, Charley E. - son of J. & J.H. Herrington, b 4-27-1867, d 9-24-1879 HERRINGTON, Udorah - daughter of J. & J.H. Herrington, b 7-5-1873, d 11-8-1874, age 1 year, 3 months, 7 days

HODGE, Abner Harris - husband of Ruth Williams - buried in Blue Ridge Cemetery, and son of Archibald H. & Mary E. (Sears) Hodge, b 12-14-1875, d 6-3-1942
HODGE, Archibald H. ("Archie") - son of Abner H. & Elba (Rose) Hodge, b 3-8-1851, d 3-28-1928
HODGE, Ethel (Brothers) - wife of Milton Hodge, and daughter of Taylor Franklin & Lenora E. (Pool) Brothers, b 9-1-1885, d 5-19-1970
HODGE, Mary E. ("Mollie" Sears) - wife of Archibald H. Hodge, and daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Vance Sears, b 4-12-1856, d 10-5-1935
HODGE, Thomas J. - son of Abner H. & Elba (Rose) Hodge, b 6-6-1842, d 7-16-1922 (believed to have been veteran of CSA)

HOUSTON, Cynthia (Hodge) Roberts Moffett - known as "Grandma Moffett"; daughter of Archibald & Charlotte (Reeves) Hodge, b ca 1814, d 1905 [lst husband, m ca 1830 Andrew Roberts; 2nd husband, James P. Moffett who d in CSA in Virginia in April 1864; 3rd husband. a Mr. Houston] ROBERTS, Lucy Lelia (Tarver - 2nd wife of Joel Walter Roberts, b 1847, d 1888

ROBERTS, William Archibald son of J.W. & L.L. Roberts, b 1873; died young

HURST, Edward Andrews, b 2-25-1864, d 10-12-1957
HURST, Jessie, 1894-1965
HURST, Minnie B. - wife of Edward Andrews, b 1-22-1873, d 6-26-1895
HURST, Riley, 1891 - Only one date

JACKSON, John Wesley, b 7-11-1809, d 2-3-1886 - husband of Ludice B. Jackson, b 11-26-1812, d 6-19-1856 & buried in Arkansas
JACKSON, Robert Lee - son of Robert Ewing & Mary Elizabeth (Garrett) Jackson, b 12-29-1887, d 1-7-1888
JOHNSON, Frederick W., b 12-3-1900, d 10-5-1975
JOHNSON, Mary Rebecca (Varnado) (a Twin) - daughter of C.W. & M.E. Varnado, b 10-22-1876, d 12-16-1897 - wife of C.H. Johnson
JOHNSON,, Velma (Sandlin) - wife of F.W. Johnson, b 8-21-1897, d 12-21-1982

KAY, Harris - lst wife, Sarah Dunn; 2nd wife, Louisa Jane (Adair) Hancock, b in Alabama 1825, d 1889
KAY, Sarah (Dunn) - lst wife of Harris Kay, b 1825 in Georgia, d 1871 (no tombstone)

KEMP, J. R., b 1920, d 1-15-1933

LANE, Louella - wife of S.S. Lane, b 8-20-1881, d 2-11-1924 POWELL, M. L., b 1848, d 9-9-1902
LANE, Samuel S., b 8-18-1881, d 7-26-1956
Lou (Brothers) - wife of James Leonard Garrett, and daughter

LOVELESS, Easther A., b 9-14-1836, d 11-27-1899
LOVELESS, Mattie O., b 2-6-1856, d 12-5-1871

MAEYERS, Alta Lela (Hancock) - daughter of E.C. & A.L. (Yates) Hancock, b 8-22-19339 d 7-5-1985 (buried Deer Creek Cemetery, Rhome, Texas)

MATHIS, Henry D. - no dates
MATHIS, Infant Son of J.M. & L.J. Mathis, b 10-29-1883, d 11-21-1883
MATHIS, W. B., b 3-9-1844, d 4-23-1880
MATHIS, W. I., b Pulaski County, Georgia 8-23-1812, d Limestone County, Texas 8-30-1890

McALLISTER, Mary (Erskine)-- wife of Wm. B. McAllister, and daughter of Hugh & Jane @Richards) Erskine, b 12-16-1824 in South Carolina, d 8-22-1894 TATE, Edward-S.,@--,son of Captain James & Mary C. (Edwards) Tate, b 9-9-1860 in Alabama, d 1-19-1944
McALLISTER, William B. - son of William & Margarette'P. (Todd) McAllister, b 12-4-1825 in South Carolina, d 11-3-1894

McKINNEY, Agnes Estelle - daughter of W.M. & Lida McKinney, b 7-17-1885, d 5-28-1889
McKINNEY, Albert M. - son of W.M. & Lida McKinney, b 1-26-1881, d 9-22-1967
McKINNEY, Lida (Elydia Barclay) - wife of W.M. McKinney, and daughter of David A. & Dorcas Vardaman (Menefee) Barclay, b 19-2-1842, d 10-2-1899
McKINNEY, Nina - daughter of W.M. & Lida McKinney, b 1-20-1883, d 11-17-1966
McKINNEY, Sallie Dorcas - daughter of W.M. & Lida McKinney, b 5-31-1873, d 2-21-1929
McKINNEY, Sam B. - son of W.M. & Lida McKinney, b 3-13-1875, d 5-28-1957

McKINNEY, William M., 1839-October 2, 1899

McMAHEN, Floyd - son of W.E. & A.S. McMahen, b 4-1-1889, d 9-22-1892 Memorial Stone.

METCALF, Letha A. (Bell) - wife of Volney Metcalf, and daughter of Samuel & Anna Bell, b 1-16-1850, d 7-19-1885

MOORE, Carlotta Estelle (Garrett) - wife of Robert Moore, and daughter of Robert Jasper & Mary (Smith) Garrett, b 1-10-1879, d 3-14-1943
MORE, Mary - daughter of J.H. & B.A. More, b 10-26-1893, d 3-8-1896 PARTEN, Mary Susan - wife of H. L. Parten, b 12-6-1839, d 8-19-1874

NATION, Miss Artiller J. (Teacher) - daughter of E.A. & A.J. Nation, b 6-25-1858 - death date broken off tombstone

NEVILL, Robert H. - son of H.S. & M.E. Nevill, b 12-1-1876, d 12-4-1878, aged 2 years, 3 days

NOBLE, J. P., b 3-1-1834, d 12-28-1901

NORWOOD, Charlie - husband of Hattie Gertrude Erskine, and son of Jim & Lima
NORWOOD, Hattie Gertrude (Erskine) - daughter of James Franklin & Florence Midora Erskine, and wife of Charlie Norwood, b 9-15-1903, alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas NOTE: There were 10 or 12 other gravesites on the Erskine Farm where Elizabeth Catherine (Maulding) Roberts and her infant daughter were buried; but their's were the only two tombstones still standing (cattle are free in this field). It is believed that others buried here included Joel Walter Robert's mother, 2nd wife, and another child were also buried on this private land:

OSBURN, Jewell Elizabeth, b 12-8-1929, d 7-31-1931

PARSONS, Mary C. - daughter of S.L. & C.V. Parsons, b 3-31-1878, d 9-12-1879

PARTEN, Maggie Marzell - wife of H. L. Parten., b 11-13-1856, d 10-8-1876, aged 19 years, 11 months, 5 days

PELLHAUS, Walter Lee - son of T.P. & Icy (Briggs) Pellhaus, died 7-20-1920

PETTEWAY, Lena Mae (Causey) - wife of M.I. Petteway, and mother of Clyde (Petteway) Erskine, b 8-5-1876, d 10-17-1939
PETTEWAY, Mark Ignatius - father of Clyde (Petteway) Erskine, b 4-7-1873, d 4-3-1931

PHILLIPS, Dorothy May - daughter of Jasper Stovall & Carrie Mayflower Erskine,and wife of James Jtay ("Peck") Phillips, b 4-27-1922; alive in March 1988 in Waco, Texas
PHILLIPS, James Ray ("Peck") - husband of Dorothy May Erskine, and son of William Ray ("Peck") & Lela Belle (Wells) Phillips, b 6-5-1916, d 8-15-1979
POOL, Elias, b 10-14-1826, d 11-14-1903

POOL, Margaret A. (Bell) - wife of Elias Pool, and daughter of Samuel & Anna Bell, b 1-6-1836, d 4-12-1913

POOLE, William Thornton - lst husband of Hettie Mary (Erskine), b 4-11-1874,d 1-23-1948

PRICE, Adeline Rebecca (Henry) - wife of John Hamilton Price, and daughter of George R. & Martha (Price) Henry, b 3-18-1812, d 7-31-1878
PRICE, George Robert - son of John Hamilton & Adeline Rebecca (Henry) Price, b 11-24-1836, d 11-24-1908 - CSA
PRICE, James A. - son of John Hamilton & Adeline Rebecca (Henry) Price, b 9-14-1831, d 2-19-1882 - CSA
PRICE, John David - son of Wm.T. & M.J. Price, b 9-13-1878, d 7-11-1888
PRICE, John Hamilton - son of James & Mary Dunlap (Howe) Price, b in North Carolina 8-19-1809, d 8-22-1878
PRICE, John Henry - son of John Hamilton & Adeline Rebecca (Henry) Price, b 6-3-1838, d 2-22-1870 - CSA
PRICE, Lula A. (Hughey) - wife of Wm. A. Price, Sr., and daughter of Edward Bryson & Indiana Tennessee (McKnight) Hughey, b 12-15-1887, d 11-27-1861
PRICE, Margaret Jane (Busby) - wife of William Thomas Price, and daughter of David T. & Martha (Sweeney) Busby, b 9-25-1847, d 10-16-1939
PRICE, Mary Martha - daughter of John Hamilton & Adeline Rebecca (Henry) Price, b 4-2-1833, d 8-9-1883
PRICE, Minnie - daughter of Wm.T. & M.J. Price, b 3-8-1870, d 3-21-1880
PRICE, William Archer, Sr. - son of Wm. T. & M. J. Price, b 11-28-1884, d 6-25-1967
PRICE, William Thomas - son of John Hamilton & Adeline Rebecca (Henry) Price, b Giles County, Tennessee 3-10-1842, d 6-4-1917 - CSA
Died June 4, 1917 at Stranger, Falls County, Texas and buried in the Stranger Cemetery � was the youngest surviving child of John Hamilton and Adeline Rebecca (Henry) Price.On April 22, 1862, William Thomas Price enlisted at Alto Springs as a Private in Company B, 5th Calvary, Green's Brigade, Hardiman's Division, Trans-Mississippi Army. While en route to Val Verde, New Mexico with Captain Willis L. Lang, he contracted the measles at EI Paso and was left behind there - missing the tragic battle. Later, he became the Bugler for the company, and was in Galveston at the time of the surrender - remaining there for about a year after the end of the war to care for a sick friend.

In 1867, William Thomas Price married Margaret Jane Busby, b September 25, 1847 in Bowling Green, Kentucky, d October 10, 1939 at Stranger and buried next to her husband-a daughter of David T. and Martha (Sweeney) Busby.

William T. and Margaret lived on the Busby land, building the Price home beginning with the log cabin. They had five tenant families, raising cotton and corn. They reared four of seven children to adulthood:

Martha Jane Price, b ca 1868 - married Charles O. Robertson of Kosse, Limestone County, Texas, and had three children: Rupert Robertson who married Lois Rose, resided in Marlin, Texas, and had Sally and Jack Robertson; Lucy Marie Robertson (called "Tissie"), b December 5,1898, who married Charles Roy Brothers of Stranger, and had Charles Robertson Brothers and Jane (Brothers) Knight; and William J. Robertson who married Fern Wilson and operated a variety store in Marlin.

Minnie Price, b March 8, 1870, d March 21, 1880 at Stranger and buried in the Stranger Cemetery.

Milton A. Price, b December 23, 1872, d - date not known, and buried in the Blue Ridge Cemetery at Blue Ridge, Falls County, Texas.

John David Price, b September 13, 1878, d July 11, 1888 and buried in the Stranger Cemetery at Stranger.

Clara Belle Price, b August 26, 1875, - married David McKinney of Stranger - a son of William M. and Elydia ("Lida" Barclay) McKinney. They ran a boarding house in Marlin, Texas, and had no children.

Margaret Ellen Price, b July 6, 1882, d January 19, 1940, and never married.

William Archer Price, b November 28, 1884, d June 25, 1967 - married Lula A. Hughey.

William Thomas Price took care of his sister, Mary Martha Price, b April 2, 1833, d August 9, 1883 and his brother, George Robert Price, b November 24, 1836, d November 24, 1908, until their deaths. He also took in a Confederate Corporal from Kosse, Solomon W. Stephen- son, b July 3, 1826, d April 23, 1912, who came by his home as a peddler and while there he was blinded by an accidental gun powder explosion. When he died, William Thomas Price buried him in the Stranger Cemetery in the Price family plot, and had the grave marked with a Confederate tombstone. Mr. Stephenson lived with the Price family until his death, and they cared for him as though he were part of the family.

William Thomas and Margaret Jane (Busby) Price were members of the Methodist Church, with their membership in the Methodist-Presbyterian Union Church at Stranger. After his death, Margaret continued to live for twenty-two years in her home where their son, William Archer Price and his wife, Lula, lived and reared their two children.

RICHARDSON, Elizabeth ("Lizzie" Arnett) - wife of Wm.B. Richardson, III, and daughter of James Hansford & Phoebe (Summerville) Arnett, b 9-6-1871, d 3-16-1947 (Their son,,G.A. "Jack" Richardson buried in Blue Ridge Cemetery)
RICHARDSON, William Bryant, III - son of Wm.B. & Mary Sarah (Grice) Richardson, Jr., b in Alabama 11-21-1866, d 6-19-1937

ROBERTS, Ann Pickett daughter of J.W. & L.L. Roberts, b 6-5-1867, d 9-22-1874
ROBERTS, Elizabeth Catherine (Maulding) - lst wife of Joel Walter Roberts, and daughter of Presley & Catherine (Barzilla) Maulding (sister of Matilda Barzilla (Maulding) Brothers, and Nancy A. (Maulding) Sowders, who also settled in Stranger with husbands]; b 1-7-1845, d 1-7-1865 & buried on private land - now J.F. Erskine Farm at Stranger; and tombstone moved in 1986 to Stranger Cemetery & placed by her husband's tombstone.
ROBERTS, Infant Daughter of J.W. & E.C. Roberts, b & d 1862 - inscribed "Our Darling" - a surviving older sister, Mary Ella Roberts, b 8-27-1860, d 4-7-1933 - m Thomas Henry Garrett, and both are buried in Kosse Cemetery in Kosse, Limestone County, Texas.
ROBERTS, Joel Walter, b 5-2-1837, d 1-23-1920 son of Andrew & Cynthia (Hodge) Roberts (of Austin's "Old 300 First Colony to Texas); [lst wife, m ca 1859, Elizabeth Catherine Maulding; 2nd wife, m 12-27-1865, Lucy Lelia Tarver; 3rd wife, m 10-2-1888, Laura (Livingston) Brusenhan - widow of Patrick Brusenhan] - CSA: Co. B, Texas Cavalry, Waller's Division, Trans-Mississippi Army.
ROBERTS, Joel Walter, Jr. son of J.W. & L.L. Roberts, b 7-9-1878, d 10-25-1893
ROBERTS, Lottie Lelia - daughter of J.W. & L.L. Roberts, b 3-27-1877, d 8-2-1878

ROBINSON, Sarah C. - wife of W.A. Robinson, b 3-24-1841, d 7-20-1876

ROGERS, Caleb W., b 7-13-1802, d 10-26-1875 - aged 73 years, 3 months, 13 days

ROGERS, Emily J. daughter of W.S. & S.M. Rogers, b 1871, d 4-8-1877
ROGERS, Jefferson Davis - son of Henry Aycock & Eliza Jane (Cornelison) Rogers, b 5-1-1861, d 7-19-1880
ROGERS, Larkin R., 1807"1882
ROGERS, Marinda A. - daughter of M.J. & S.W. Rogers, b 4-22-1876, d 11-1-1880
ROGERS, Mary A. (Aycock) - wife of Larkin R. Rogers, b 1809, d 10-9-1875 a daughter of Henry & Mildred (Stovall) Aycock WEBB, Infant Son of T.E. & E.L. Webb, b & d 10-18-1895
ROGERS, Melvin - son of W.P. & A.E. Rogers, b 3-26-1896, d 11-22-1901 SEALS, Mary T., b 2-25-1844, d 4-2-1901
ROGERS, Paulina A. - wife of Caleb W. Rogers, b 8-15-1815, d 7-3-1877, aged 61 years, 10 months, 19 days
ROGERS, Revis W., b 12-31-1878, d 10-13-1880
ROGERS, Sarah M. - wife of W. S. Rogers - engraved "My Wife"; b 1851, d 11-17-1877, aged 26 years, 8 months, 24 days
ROGERS, Susan C., b 2-4-1853, d 1-27-1881
ROGERS,, Pauline daughter of W.S. & S.M. Rogers,- b 1869, d 5-24-1877
ROGERS., Mary Alice - daughter of W.S. & S.M. Rogers, b 1867, d 5-14-1877, aged 9 years, 8 months, 2 days

SANDLIN, Audrey Wynne - wife of Cleaver R. Sandlin, b 10-12-1906 - no death date
SANDLIN, Cleaver R., b 6-27-1905, d 1-2-1980
SANDLIN, Grady G., b 7-9-1909, d 2-3-1945 WW II: 1 Sgt., 143 Inf., 36th Inf. Division
SANDLIN, Joe E., 1875-1938
SANDLIN, Mary J. (Webster) - wife of Joe E. Sandlin, 1879-1972
SANDLIN, Oscar - Infant Son of Joe & M. Sandlin no date

SHAW, Fannie E. - daughter of J.C. & Nannie Shaw, b 12-24-1882, d 8-12-1893

SHELTON, Baby Son, b & d 4-12-1972

SHIELDS, Martin Lee - son of Barton Warren & Rena (Small) Shields (bur. Calvary Cemetery, Marlin); b 3-18-1911, d 4-29-1986
SHIELDS, Norma Marie - wife ot M.L. Shields, and daughter of Jesse Clarence & Marguerite Ann (Millerman) Brothers, b 3-8-1912, d 1-7-1988

SMILEY, Dea M. - son of L.M. & J.H. Smiley, b 6-11-18769 d 9-22-1886
SMILEY, Ruben B. - son of L.M. & J.H. Smiley, b 8-1-1878, d 9-28-1878

SMITH, Alexander - brother of Mary ("Mollie" Smith) Garrett, and son of Ephraim & Edith (Smith) Smith, b 2-18-1836 in Mississippi, d 12-13-1908
SMITH, Anna Mae (Smith) - wife of Isaac Smith - buried i n Blue Ridge Cemetery, and daughter of James Richard & Susa n C. (Holloway) Swinnea, b 11-2-1864, d 4-4-1952
SMITH, Richard Scott ("Dick") - son of Isaac & Anna Mae Smith, b 2-13-1901,d 1-30-1978
SMITH, S.E. - wife of D.L. Smith, b 1-16-1852, d 5-23-1890

SPEAR, H.D., b 5-6-1822, d 5-22-1884

SPICER, Annie Lue - daughter of Mr. & Mrs. J.A. Spicer, b 3-15-1913, d 3-20-1913
SPICER, Mrs. N. J., b 1841, d 5-11-1903

SPIKES, James Arthur, b 9-10-1856i, d 6-7-1877

SPIKES, James B., b 9-10-1856, d 6-7-1877
SPROTT, Betty Jean (Erskine) - wife,of Thomas Benjamin Sprott, Jr. (sometimes II), and daughter of Carl Cavitt & Mary Theresa (Harlan) Erskine, b 8-19.-1923; alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas
SPROTT, Thomas Benjamin, Jr. - husband of Betty Jean Erskine, and son of Thomas Benjamin & Estelle (Dickens) Sprott - buried in Waite Cemetery at Reagan, Texas; b 9-27-1918, d 12-3-1982

STEELE, Isabella - daughter of Robert A. & Ellen (Poll) Steele, b 1885, d 2-23-1930
STEELE, Robert Kearney son of Robert Henry & Annie (Eaves) Steele - buried in Criswell Cemetery), b 2-8-1898, d 3-19-1977 - WW II: U. S. Army
STEELE, William Robert - Son of William John & Ophelia (Watson) Steele, b & d 3-13-1905

STEPHENSON, Solomon W. - no dates; CSA: Co, E, llth Mississippi Infantry
SUTTLE, Elizabeth E. - wife of George M. Suttle, b 9-1-1824, d 9-13-1906

SUTTLE, George M., b 7-12-1827,,d 12-23-1885

SWINNEA,Billy Ross- born in 1925 and died in 1986.
SWINNEA, S. H.- born 5-4-1882, d 7-26-1964 (his lst wife, Laura Belle Harlan, is buried in Blue Ridge Cemetery)
SWINNEA, Bessie (Anderson) - wife of Taylor F. Swinnea, b 8-14-1917; alive in March 1988 in Marlin, Texas
SWINNEA, Carl Lee - daughter of Richard & Bettie Swinnea, b 7-3-1901, d 7-20-1901
SWINNEA, Cecil W. - son of H.S. & M.K. Swinnea, b 8-20-1921, d 1-13-1986; WW II: U.S. Marine Corps
SWINNEA, Claud - son of Richard & Bettie Swinnea, b 11-15-1891, d 7-20-1892
SWINNEA, H. - son of T.S. & J.I. Swinnea, b 11-10-1891, d 7-20-1892
SWINNEA, Henry S. - son of Thomas S. & Julia I. Swinnea, b 11-6-1898, d 1-6-1945
SWINNEA, Ida Lee, b 5-7-1857, d 3-24-1940 - daughter of James Richard & Susan C. (Holloway) Swinnea
SWINNEA, Infant Son of R.B. & Bettie Swinnea, b & d 5-25-1905
SWINNEA, James Cornelius - 2nd husband of Sarah Katherine (Dillard) Erskine, and son of Thomas S. & Julia I. (Varnado) Swinnea, b 12-7-1894, d 10-15-1970
SWINNEA, James Richard - son of John & Rebecca (Phegan) Swinnea, b 11-7-1841, d 3-18-1925
SWINNEA, Julia I. (Varnado) - wife of Thomas S. Swinnea, and daughter of Cornelius Willington & Mary Elizabeth (Ratliff) Varnado, b 11-21-1873, d 10-4-1904
SWINNEA, Lillie E., 1876-1949 - daughter of James Richard & Susan C. (Holloway) Swinnea
SWINNEA, Mary Elizabeth ("Bettie" Elder) - wife of R.B. Swinnea, and daughter of Thomas Jefferson & Nancy Jane (Vinson) Elder, b 10-10-1877, d 10-3-1976'
SWINNEA, Mary K. (Williamson) - wife of Dewey Swinnea, b 6-22-1907, d 11-15-1940
SWINNEA, Mary Katherine (Martin) - wife of Henry S. Swinnea, b 9-6-1897, d 8-12-1972
SWINNEA, Matilda I. (Brothers) - 2nd wife of Samuel H. Swinnea, and daughter of Jesse & Laura (Hufstetler) Brothers, b 8-15-1890, d 7-29-1964
SWINNEA, Oma Roy - son of T.S. & J.1. Swinnea, b 7-4-1901, d 4-1-1902
SWINNEA, Richard Biles - son of James R. & Susan C. Swinnea, b 12-27-1871, d 2-11-1920
SWINNEA, Samuel H. - son of Suldon Wright & Mary Elizabeth (Hunnicutt)
SWINNEA, Sarah Katherine ("Kate" Dillard) Erskine - 2nd husband was J.C. Swinnea (lst husband J.S. Erskine), and daughter of William & Georgia (Fairbairn) Dillard, b 1-15-1887, d 9-2-1972
SWINNEA, Susan C. (Holloway) - wife of James Richard Swinnea, and daughter of Richard Louis & Martha Holloway, b 3-20-1849, d 6-21-1922
SWINNEA, Taylor F., b 8-25-1914, d 8-12-1976 - WW II: U. S. Army - a son of Samuel H. & Matilda I (Brothers) Swinnea
SWINNEA, Thomas Henry - son of H.S. & M.K. Swinnea, b 6-27-1918i, d 6-24-1985
SWINNEA, Thomas S. - son of James Richard & Susan C. Swinnea, b 2-4-1870, d 11-17-1921

TARTER, P. G., b 2-24-1850, d 12-17-1925
TARTER, Pat - son of P. G. Tarter, b 4-5-1901, d 8-9-1919

TATE, James Hansford ("Dick") - son of Edward S. & M. (Arnett) Tate, b 10-28-1891, d 10-11-1947
TATE, Mary Jane ("Mollie" Arnett) - wife of Edward S. Tate, and daughter of James Hansford & Phoebe (Summerville) Arnett, b 12-30-1868, d 12-31-1963 TATE, Idus Elizabeth (Garrett) - wife of Clyde Edward Tate, and daughter of Nathan Willis & Martha Ellen (Jackson) Garrett, b 6-31-1893, d 10-1-1917
TATE, Mary C. (Edwards) - wife of Captain James Tate, and mother of Edward S. Tate, 1820-1886
TATE, Milton Scott - son of J.H. ("Dick") & U.C. Tate, b 10-13-1919, d 8-22-1920
TATE, Una (Cornelison) - wife of J.H. ("Dick") Tate, and daughter of Samuel Milton & Mildred Ellen (Swinnea) Cornelison - buried in Blue Ridge Cemetery; b 7-10-1891, d 2-2-1980

TODD, H. Cater, b 6-17-1839, d 10-27-1871
TODD, James, b 12-31-1799, d 7-24-1872
TODD, R. H., b 4-12-1878, d 3-22-1880

TOLSTON, Lucinda, b 1883, d 1-28-1912

TOON, Ada Pearl - daughter of J.W. & Mary A. Toon, b 7-2-1904, d 9-14-1905
TOON, J. W., b 8-7-1847, d 9-2-1905 - believed to have been in CSA
TOON, Mary A. - wife of J. W., b 4-6-1861 - date of death not inscribed
TOON, William Edward - son of J.W. & Mary A. Toon, b 8-15-1861, d 10-12-1888

Unmarked Grave
Unmarked Grave
Unmarked Grave
VANCIL, Sarah Isabella (Jackson) - wife of James M. Vancil, b 2-23-1843 or 5-23-1843 in Alabama, d 10-7-1882

VANN, J. E., b 5-23-1845, d 12-28-1928 VANN, Nettie - wife of J.E. Vann, b 9-12-18529 d 2-30-1878 (sic, 2-28 or 29, or 3-1 or 2 - no such date as February 30th)
VANN, Rachel Nunn - wife of J. E. Vann, b 12-27-1856, d 5-18-1940
VANN, John, 1869-1915

VARNADO, Cornelius Willington - son of Charles & Rebecca Jane (Davis) Varnado, and brother of William Howell Varnado, b 1-1-1850, d 6-27-1916
VARNADO, Martha Jane (a Twin) - daughter of C.W. & M.E. Varnado, b 10-22-1876, d 9-5-1897
VARNADO, Mary Elizabeth ("Bettie" Ratliff) - wife of Cornelius Willington Varnado, and daughter of John D. & Mary (Case) Ratliff, b 12-24-1851, d 6-27-1916
VARNADO, William Howell - lst husband of Lola Angela (McInnis), and son of Charles & Rebecca Jane (Davis) Varnado, b 12-22-1866, d 11-29-1894

WAGNER, Ellen R. - wife of W.M. Wagner, b 1-1-1850, d 3-21-1930
WAGNER, Ira E., 1879-1959

WALKER, M. J., b 7-16-1835, d 12-11-1909 (May have been CSA)
WALKER, Sarah A. - wife of M.J. Walker, b 2-14-1851, d 7-6-1914

WALLACE, E. W., b 10-31-1895, d 10-25-1918 - WW I: 4th Co., 16th Unit

WARD, Mrs. E. A., b 1841, d 5-7-1903

WEBB, Daniel Mathew, b 6-11-1871, d 1-20-1951
WEBB, Nealie - wife of Daniel Mathew Webb, b 7-18-1880, d 4-2-1961

WEBSTER, Charles, b 12-27-1856, d 8-14-1935
WEBSTER, Clifford W., b 12-28-1890, d 4-18-1984
WEBSTER, Floy L. - wife of Clifford Webster, b 5-14-1895, d 8-25-1965 2 Stone Markers - no names or dates
WEBSTER, Floyd D., b 12-24-1894, d 2-14-1973
WEBSTER, Hester (Commander) - wife of Floyd D. Webster, b 5-27-1895, d 9-26-1964
WEBSTER, Sarah E. (Drum) - wife of Charles Webster, and daughter of caroline Drum (buried above), b 1-2-1862, d 8-10-1941

WILLINGHAM - no identification or dates
WILLINGHAM, Catharn - wife of John Willingham, b 2-28-1832, d 7-25-1871

WOLF, Simon Peter - husband of Margaret Jane Harlan, a daughter of Henry Langston & Emily (Milam) Harlan, b 9-21-1826, d 6-8-1886 - CSA

WOLFRAM, Bertram, Jr. - husband of Joydelle Garrett, and son of Bertram & Elizabeth Esther (Basset) Wolfram of Galveston, Texas; b 2-22-1922, d 11-12-1952 and buried in Calvary Cemetery, Galveston, Texas.
WOLFRAM, Joydelle (Garrett - wife of Bertram Wolfram, Jr. (married 7-4-1950),and daughter of S.Q. & A. Garrett; b 7-4-1926, alive in May 2000 in Marlin, Texas

WYATT, Amelia L. - wife of W.B. Wyatt, b 9-15-1871, d 2-8-1505
WYATT, William Bassett, b 11-6-1866, d 2-27-1901

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Old 300 Anglo Settlers in Texas.
Will Goyens, early-day Texian
Sam Houston
History of the Texas Revolution.
Texas Declaration of Independence (1836).
Jim Bowie, Hero of the Alamo
William Travis, Hero of the Alamo
Goliad Massacre(1836)
Battle of the Alamo (1836)
Battle of San Jacinto
Officers and Men in the Texas Revolution
Important Documents of Early-Day Texas
General Santa Anna
Indian Captive Cynthia Ann Parker
Military Forts in Early Day Texas
History of the Republic of Texas
General George Custer
Generals Robert E. Lee and U.S. Grant
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Governor John Conally
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Eye Witness Accounts of Busksnort and Marlin, Texas
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History of Blue Ridge
History of North Blue Ridge (Stranger)

North Blue Ridge (Stranger)Settlement History and Cemetery
Blueridge History and Cemetery Roll
Mustang Prairie Settlement History and Cemetery Listing
History of Cedar Springs, Pleasant Grove, & Wilderville, and cemetery Listings
Waite (Reagan)Cemetery Listing
Blue Ridge (Reagan)Cemetery Listing
Hog Island (Reagan) Cemetery Listing
Johnson (Reagan)Cemetery Listing
Powers/McCaleb(Reagan)Cemetery Listing

History of Tanglewood

Kosse History and Home Page.
Kosse Cemetery Listings.
Kosse Area Obituaries.

History of Milam County
History of Rockdale, Thorndale, Bushdale
History of Gause
History of Hamilton Chapel, Cemetery Listing
History and Listing of Rockdale IOOF Cemetery

History of Bremond History of Wootan Wells

Liberty Hill, Williamson County, Texas Home Page
Prehistoric History of the Liberty Hill Region
Liberty Hill Settlement in the 1850's
History of the Liberty Hill Stage Coach Stop (1852)
Liberty Hill -Then and Now
The Founding of New Liberty Hill (1882)
Historic Liberty Hill Cemetery Listing.
History of Cedar Park

History of Trains in Texas

Indian Treaty Signed With the Comanches, Kiowas, and Apaches in 1867
The Story of Cynthia Ann Parker.
History of the Tarahumara Indians, a primitive tribe living in modern times.


Another true life tale of life in Early-Day texas
Famous Sam Bass Outlaw Gang
History of the Cowboy and Cattle Drives in Early-Day texas
History of The Western Stagecoach
Cowboys of the Silver Screen.

History of Thanksgiving.
History of the Hesston Belt Buckle.

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