to the Kubiak Genealogy Website for Falls and Robertson

State Representative Dan Kubiak and President Lyndon Johnson Meet in Austin.

Mary KUBIAK was born on August 25, 1910 in Bremond, Robertson County, Texas.
She married Marion WIETZIKOSKI in Bremond, Robertson County, Texas on November 11, 1931.
Marion WIETZIKOSKI was born in Marlin, Falls County, Texas on July 22, 1910. Marion died on
December 24,
1963 in Marlin, Falls County, Texas at 53 years of age. His body was interred in Marlin,
Falls County, Texas in Hillcrest Cemetery.
Mary KUBIAK and Marion WIETZIKOSKI had the following children:
Raymond WIETZIKOSKI was born in Marlin, Falls County, Texas on December 7, 1932. He married
Barbara WHITE (3085) on April 19, 1953. Barbara was born on February 23, 1933.
Christine WIETZIKOSKI was born on November 24, 1933.
Daniel WIETZIKOSKI (#3088) was born on April 4, 1944. He married Carol ORCHIE April 5,
1964. Daniel and Carol are now divorced.

Pauline KUBIAK was born in Bremond, Texas about 1918. Pauline died about 1921 in Bremond,

Patricia Ruth Kubiak, Born March 2, 1951 in Falls County.
Pearl Kubiak
Bernard Marion Kubiak Born August 31, 1934 in Falls County

Miklus and Mary Kuzniarek Kubiak. Miklus Kubiak was born in Poznan, Poland around January of 1861. He
applied for US citizenship in 1888 and was naturalized 1889. Mary Kuzniarek Kubiak was born around 1868
Stanley John Mike Frank Joseph Martin Anton Sauil (girl) Mary Bruno
Pete A. Kubiak, born March 26, 1909 in Robertson County, Texas and died August 6,1986 Albert
Pete A and Pauline Wilganowski Pete A Kubiak was born March 26, 1909 in Robertson County, Texas and died August 6,1986. His wife, Paulina Wilganowski Kubiak was born February 9, 1907 in Falls County Texas February 12, 1976.
Frank Wally died age 9 mos Leo Barbara Helen
Received the following email from Barbara (Kubiak) Grygierczyk:
"My name is Barbara and I was born in Bremond, Oct 10, 1937. My father is Pete A Kubiak and my mother's maiden name in Pauline Wilganowski. Dad and Mom had 5 children, 3 boys and 2 girls, Frank, Wally died age 9 mos, Leo, Barbara and Helen. Some of my father's brother lived in Chicago. Stanley is the oldest, Joseph, Albert the youngest and Dad.
Dad had 9 brothers and 2 sisters. If this is correct these are my father's brothers and sister according to age, Stanley, John, Mike, Frank, Joseph, Martin, Anton, Sauil (girl), Mary, Bruno, Dad and Albert.
Uncle Stanley was married to Stella, Uncle Joseph to Rose, Albert to Julia. We moved from Bremond to Chicago when I was 1 1/2 years old. It would make that around April/May 1939.
Mom had 4 brothers and 3 sisters. My mother's sister also lived in Chicago, her name was Tracy and she married Matt Dec.
My grandfather, on dad's side was Miklus Kubiak, he applied for citizenship 1888 and was naturalized 1889. I am not sure on when he was born but it was in Poznan, Poland and grandfather was 48 yrs old when my dad was born, sometime in January 1861. Grandfather married Mary Kuzniarek and she was 41 yrs old when dad was born. Again not sure but around 1868.
My grandparents on mother's side was Joseph Wilganowski and Mary Klos (Kloss). I am not sure on grandmothers spelling of her last name.
My dad, Pete A Kubiak was born March 26, 1909 in Robertson County, Texas. My mother, Paulina Wilganowski was born February 9, 1907 in Falls County Texas. Both of my parents have past away, dad August 6,1986 and mom February 12, 1976.
I also know Bielamowicz, Hablinski, Szymanski, Okonski, I remember visiting them when I was smaller.
I am just starting to get my parents birth certificates and hopefully marriage certificates. I have mine but not theirs. Hopefully with the little information I have, maybe we might be able to help one another out.
My two brothers, Frank and Leo still live in Chicago, Helen in Tampa and I live in Utah.
If you want you may contact me by mail at,
Barbara Grygierczyk, PO Box 1160, Grantsville UT 84029. (435)884-6163.
My email address is
Frank and Rose (Kubiak) Yezak
Alex and Francis (Kubiak) Stasky. Alex was the son of L. Staszewski, an early-day Bremond settler.
Got the following email from Dorris Stasky:
"Both of my grandmothers were originally Kubiak (my Dad came to Bremond on the Orphan Train, therefore my parents could marry not being related by blood).
Unfortunately I waited too long to start asking questions about our roots and most of my sources are gone.
Grandmother Rose Kubiak married Frank Yezak and grandmother Frances married Alex Stasky. Alex is the son of the L. Staszewski listed in the original Polish group who settle in Bremond.
Not sure where we fit on the Kubiak tree as yet, but I'm trying to find out.
Again, wonderful informative website you have".
Doris Stasky

Rosalie KUBIAK was born in Bremond, Texas, August 15, 1917. Rosalie died February 18, 1997
in Fort Worth, Texas, at 79 years of age. She married Joseph "Joe" POLITTE, October 4, 1943.
Joseph was born July 13, 1917. Joseph died February 23, 1987 in Fort Worth, Texas, at 69
years of age. They are both interred in Fort Worth, Texas.

Roy Kubiak, Born on April 23, 1953 in Falls County.
Stella Kubiak, Born April 25, 1896; died March, 1982.

Thomas "Tom" Frank KUBIAK was born in Ennis, Texas on February 10, 1881. He married Anna
"Annie" Mary SYZDEK , born in Bremond, Texas, July 5, 1887. Anna died January 5, 1957 in
Bremond, Texas, at 69 years of age
Thomas died July 15, 1950 in Bremond, Texas, at 69 years of age. His body was interred
Bremond, Texas, St. Mary's Cemetery.

Willie Mae KUBIAK was born Bremond, Texas, April 17, 1923. Willie died December 1931, in
Bremond, Texas, at 8 years of age.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Kubiak

Jan 11,1987
Edward Edmond Kubiak, born on Sept 15,1916 in Bremond, died at the age of 70 (January 11, 1987). Edward Kubiak was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Kubiak. He was a farmer and was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church. He attended McKaleb schools near Bremond.
Survivors include a sister, Mrs. Mary Wietzikoski of Marlin.

If you know how some of these Kubiak families are related, please send me an email.
Early-day History of
the Liberty Hill Region
Liberty Hill
Settlement in the 1850's
History of the
Liberty Hill Stage Coach Stop (1852)
Liberty Hill -Then
and Now
The Founding of New
Liberty Hill (1882)
History of
Busksnort, Reagan, Blue Ridge, and Marlin, Texas
Houston-Early-day Texas History
Officers and
Men of the Republic of Texas
George Custer
Generals Robert
E. Lee and U.S. Grant
Famous Sam Bass
Outlaw Gang
John Conally, Another Tall Texan
Documents of Early-Day Texas
Battle of
San Jacinto-Victory for the Republic of Texas Army
History of
Rockdale, Milam County, Texas
Military Forts in
Early Day Texas
History of
Cedar Springs, Wilderville, and Rosebud, pioneer communities in Falls County, Texas
Cemetery Roll, Falls County, Texas
History of Bremond
and Wootan Wells, Robertson County, Texas
Rolls for St. Mary's Catholic Church, Bremond, Robertson County, Texas

Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006. All rights
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